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  1. Hello, I have been a voyeur on this forum for a while, soaking up the invaluable guidance given. I have a query myself about registering to teach in Victoria. I am a Secondary school Design Technology teacher, with 10 years experience looking to teach in Victoria. I have contacted the VIT directly about the following questions, but their answers seem to be lifted directly from their online guidance, which is not explicit enough for my liking. I was wondering whether anyone had any advice about the following; I currently have a UK CRB check (all clear) valid from May 2015. Will this suffice for their requirements? I cannot see why it wouldn’t but the CRB does not specify the length of time it covers (I have always presumed it covered any criminal convictions during your adult life?) the VIT require at least 10 years worth of coverage. The application requires Professional Practice report, not the STP which I have. I states that it must indicate that I have taught,unsupervised, for at least 80 days. Obviously I can arrange for my school to provide this, but I was wondering how much detail it needs to go into? Does it need to be a simple run down of the years of service, progression through the teaching scale, years I have taught and roles of responsibility? Or does it needs to be more akin to a reference, outlaying the value I have added to the school? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated, Tom.
  2. Thank you all for the excellent advice. The 'Teachers in Oz' thread was particularly helpful, and it seems that the STP (confirmed 45 days of in-class teaching), is an absolute necessity. I have contacted my PGCE institute and hopefully they can fulfill that requirement. I'll be teaching in Victoria, where my wife's family is based. Having done some preliminary research, it seems that Design and Technology is a shortage subject in that state which should hopefully open a few more avenues in terms of jobs.
  3. Hello, Just to set the scene... I am a Secondary school teacher working in the UK. I have 10 years of teaching experience, a BSC degree, a PGCE and management experience. I am married to an Australian National and we have three children. We are looking to migrate to Australia within the next six to nine months. Initially I thought that the spouse Visa would be the most suitable, however, after contacting the immigration offices it appears that they are currently taking 10-14 months to process, which is simply too long. So I am now looking into the skilled independent working Visa (189). I am aware that before I can submit the EOI, or complete the Skillselect form, I need to obtain a 'Suitable Skills Assessment' for teaching. So I started to fill out the AITSL form for Secondary school teachers. I can get certified copies of all of the documents they require but I am slightly stumped by the 'Supervised teaching practice' document. This document was not one which was provided by my PGCE course and it seems counter-intuitive to ask for proof of 45 days in-class teaching when I could get my current principal to certify the 10 years worth of teaching!? It seems very strange to me that the form doesn't even ask for current employment status or actual teaching experience. Am I even filling out the correct Visa? Any help or assistance would be greatly appreciated, Tom
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